The Inbox...

Let’s hear what you guys have to say….


FYI regarding Jeff Glor possibly going to his hometown of Buffalo:

You may recall Jane Robelot who was anchor of the most, at the time, successful version of CBS Morning Show (whatever they called it at the time).    After leaving CBS, Jane went back to her hometown of Greenville, SC.     She didn’t need the money.    She now works at WYFF.     She’s not the “main” anchor because she didn’t want to be… but make no mistake about it, she’s the station star.

Incidentally, she originally was the main anchor at the CBS affiliate, WSPA, before going to CBS.    WSPA is a Nexstar station now.    WYFF is owned by Hearst.   Any guesses which station is best now?


Scott:  About the NEWSNATION chick mourning her godfather on-air.  NEWSNATION may have stumbled on a way to make some money for that loser operation.. PAID Obits.  They  could sell :30's, :60's, and more for obits from those sad sacks who watch the Channel. 

Other odds and ends:  Your Glor-Buffalo story closing line should have been.. :and he needs the money".  I'm not a Glor fan.. Jeffy is a prime example of the Network hiring cheap, inexperienced talent. He never did cut it. Buffalo might be about his speed..maybe. But i do hope for his wife and kids, he gets work. And, there's always PR. He'd be perfect for that.

The "new" WNYW (Fox 5) DAILY hire.  Another example of how sad TV News is.. News Ops in the Number One market have been hiring cheap, Daily Hire reporters for several years.  They all do it.. WNBC, WABC, and the now-goofy CBS-NY..aka Ch 2 News. Cheap, and mostly piss-poor.

Martin the KFSN GM-- likely ABC will soon give him KGO, too.. like CBS has done with their splt-GM's.

The KWTV chopper ad..  it might be a little more accurate than you think.  As an ex- field guy, you should remember that Choppers
in 2013 transmitted point-to-point 2gHz (sometimes 7 gHx) microwave back to station rx's.  The systems were basic, few Wescams,basic HD.  Today, much of it is bonded cellular  (better distance ) with much better HD cameras, processing, etc. The chopper systems do have better technology.  Look it up.

I fully support your war on idiotic Tik-Toka,female employeee cheesecake posts, and the rest of the anti-social media junk. . But face it, mgt loves ANY kind of publicity no matter what. As PT Barnum allegedly said: "as long as they spell my name right".


Bankert again…

Again. This time over anti-abortion protesters who interrupted a Harris event and she's so happy with them, she's promoting Trump now.

Yet nothing on Musk laughing about assassinating the Vice President while handing out $1 million payments for voting for Trump?

I guarantee her colleagues have to be as fed up with her as any sane person would be. But her bosses, nope. They say nothing. Do nothing. You really think anyone at a Nexstar station or any photographer, producer, editor, etc. at Newsnation would be allowed to get away with this stuff? Nope. Not for a second. They get canned for cursing.