CNN is Paying Him to Appear on MSNBC

When CNN fired both Brian Stelter and Don Lemon, they continued to pay out the contract for both.

When Fox News sacked Tucker Carlson, they are still paying his salary to this day.

CNN still owned Don Lemon millions (like over $15 million) dollars on his contract. So, despite the fact that you are not seeing Lemon in TV, he is still getting a big chunk of money to just sit around.

CNN is also paying Brian Stelter until the end of his contract. Yet, if you tuned into MSNBC, you saw Stelter on the channel giving his opinion.

That means, CNN is paying Stelter to appear on the competition and MSNBC is paying him nothing.

If I was CNN, I would stop paying Stelter and just send him down the road. But, they are paying the guy to go on MSNBC and spout his crap.

Maybe, CNN thinks that’s working to their advantage.

Just saying…