/There are advantages and disadvantages to running your own company.
This week, I would say one big disadvantage is not getting any sick days. As you know, I have been sick this week, and it really has been an ass-kicker. I can say that I’m feeling a bit better today, but still not close to 100%.
For the most part, I have not gotten out of bed for 4 days, only doing so to update FTVLive.
I have had my phone on “do not disturb mode” for the past few days and it feels so strange to be unplugged from the rest of the world.
I know many of you have reached out and I appreciate and I apologize for not getting back, but I just don’t feel well enough to engage at this point.
I do think that I will be back to nearly 100% by Monday, judging by how I feel today.
So, one more day of light news on FTVLive and then back to full strength on Monday (Of course, as always we will be uploading over the weekend as well).
Thanks for hanging in with me this week, now let’s do some news….