The Inbox...

Email to FTVLive:

I just want to say, every time you post about Caroline Collins, I think, “it can’t get worse than before,” and then, it always does.

The shoe post? She should be embarrassed. 

I am so tired of these “journalists” who just go into the biz to feed their narcissistic egos. It makes the rest of us look so bad. To put into context, I am a 27-year-old woman, who is very active on social media, but I also have the brains to realize what my career is. So, no, I don’t post dancing videos or selfies when covering a tragic story. And I know I’m not alone, I’ve had this conversation with other women my age in the industry, who are so tired of these “influencer wanna-be’s.”

Again, no wonder our industry has lost its credibility. 

Email to FTVLive:

Hi Scott, first of all, I love your website, when I worked at NBC10 Philadelphia there were occasions when the I-Team used to reporters on one story but in a different way.  Each reporter had a particular focus separate from the other to advance the story.

No that being said.  This particular story seemed to lack focus and where was the investigation?  Was it simply that the township kept the cash from people speeding in its jurisdiction? If it was supposed to share money with the court, why? Where does the court's cut go and how does that benefit the residents?  Seemed like a story that lacked context.  My takeaway was people are breaking the law and being fine.  But someone is unhappy about where that money goes.

I would have liked to have seen what the townships doing with the cash.  For, instance are there any road improvements, playground upgrades, etc?

Certainly not a report worth 2 reporters by any means.  There was no significant payoff for the viewer other than showing a mayor who didn’t want to talk to either reporter.

Hopefully, the reporters will tell me a story, why it’s important, and what it means to my life.

Thanks for listening.

DM from a top Anchor to FTVLive:

I watched that story by the reporter from Houston you recommended. I think it was Houston. Gabby something. Anyway, thank you for that. Her story was amazing. Brought tears to my eyes.