What The Fox is Wrong with You?

I get that Fox News is catering to the right-wing and ultra- MAGA’s, but seriously, what the fuck?

While Donald Trump was playing some of his classics, like sure I took classified documents, but what about her emails? Biden did it to? Mike Pence did it?

Current President Joe Biden was speaking at the White House.

This is the font that Fox News put up.

Fox News just lost $787.5 million dollars for lying to their viewers. Did they learn something from that?

Clearly, they did not.

I could go on about the lack of respect in calling the current president of the United States a “wannabe dictator.” I could say that this title might have fit the last President that tried to overturn a legitimate election. But, I’m not going there.

I WILL point out that Joe Biden did not have Donald Trump arrested and Fox News knews that.

But, go ahead and continue to use your channel in an effort to divide this country even further.
