
While we hear Donald Trump say that being charged is a “witch hunt” by the Democrats, and the Republican talking points read about the same, Reporters should be armed with facts.

Don’t just let someone spew talking points at you.

Here are some facts.

Despite Trump’s early announcement that he was running for President, the investigation into Trump began BEFORE he declared his candidacy. So, despite what he is saying, this started long before he announced another run.

The head of the FBI is Christopher Wray, and he was appointed by Donald Trump. So, calling this a Democratic witch hunt is not true.

If you go along with the logic coming from Trump and others in the GOP, If anyone is under investigation for breaking the law, they could just declare that they are running for President to negate a criminal investigation. That hardly seems right.

Trump claims other Presidents did the same thing by taking classified documents. This is not true. Yes, other former Presidents have been found to be in possession of classified documents, both Republicans and Democrats. But, they all returned the documents when asked to do so. They also didn’t lie and claim they return all the documents when they did not.

From what you have seen in the indictment and the evidence so far released (much more to come), if you take Trump's name off of the indictment and place anyone else's name on it. Look at the facts objectively and then decide if that person should be prosecuted.

Trump is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Let the system work and see where it finds him.