BREAKING! Tucker Carlson To Launch Twitter Show

Tucker Carlson is bringing his show back to his audience.

Sort of.

Carlson is going to launch a show on Twitter and will have the help of former Fox News staffers helping him do that.

Does launching a show on Twitter violate his contract with Fox News? That is the question, but word is that Carlson is willing to give up the millions that Fox News is set to pay him.

Is Elon Musk involved in this? My guess is that he is in some way, shape or form.

The next question is will the old people that loved watching Carlson spout his hate and racist views on Fox News going to follow him to Twitter?

Do the olds even know how to use Twitter?

Will Tucker be about to make money from his Twitter show? Although it is likely that Carlson doesn’t need money, my guess is the former Fox News staffers helping him on the show aren’t in as good financial shape as Carlson.

Several questions must be asked and answered, but it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Lastly, will Twitter slap a “Warning! Sensitive Content” on Carlson’s tweets and show?

Twitter slapped a “warning” on an FTVLive tweet, and there was no sensitive content involved whatsoever.

Carlson teased his new show on, of course, Twitter.