The Tucker Troops Are Ready to Fight Fox News

Word is that the Tucker Carlson fans are ready to attack Fox News and it has started with former Fox News host Megyn Kelly and retired NFL star Bret Favre.

Favre is calling for a boycott of Fox News.

Word is that more “stars” will step up to put the heat on Fox News to let Carlson speak.

Reports say that Carlson is still under contract with Fox News and it stops him from going to another media outlet.

Fox News has seen the ratings dip in the wake of Carlson’s firing, but insiders tell FTVLive that management believes that this ratings hit is temporary.

You may remember that Fox News took a ratings hit after Trump lost the election and lashed out at Fox News. Many Fox viewers jumped to NewsMax, but came back to Fox News eventually.

Both NewsMax and Nexstar’s News Nations are said to be interested in hiring Carlson. It appears that they don’t care about Carlson’s outlandish comments and behavior and are only interested in trying to boost their ratings.

Fox News also ignored Carlson’s actions all the way up and until it cost them nearly a billion dollars in a settlement.

If I was Fox News, I would quit paying Carlson, let him go where he wants and see which network he will torpedo next.

But hey, that’s just me.