Tucker Being a Fucker

Fox News finally fired Tucker Carlson (what took so long?) and more details are coming out as to what a complete asshole Carlson is.

There is this video in which Carlson describes a guy’s girlfriend as "yummy."

Even more disturbing is this text message he sent about watching three white guys beating a Antifa member.

Carlson admits to hoping the a group of “Trump guys” would beat a kid to death.

While this is beyond disturbing, it also shows you the integrity of the media companies that are all hoping to land Carlson on their network.

This was a guy rooting for a kid to be killed and yet it is reported that networks like NewsMax, News Nation and others really want to land Carlson.

Clearly, this shows that money and ratings top human decency and that is just as disgusting as Tucker Carlson rooting for a kid to be beaten to death.