CNN's Sellout to Donald Trump Fails in the Ratings

CNN’s “town hall” with Donald Trump pulled in just over 3 million viewers.

While it helped CNN win the night, something that the network never does anymore, the ratings were lower than what many expected.

One CNN staffer told FTVLive that “the suits were thinking the Trump show would pull in well over 4 million viewers.”

3.1 million is not a success, no matter how CNN tries to spin it.

For those that watched the “town hall” or Trump Rally, whichever you want to call it, you saw the former President say the exact same thing he’s been saying for years.

The “election was rigged,” “I don’t know Jean Carroll,” “the media is fake,” etc. It was just another avenue to say the exact same thing he has been saying.

Chris Licht told the CNN staff on the editorial call that “America was served by what we did….”

America was served more of Trump’s bullshit, and CNN gave him the time and place to do it, along with packing the auditorium with a Trump-friendly crowd.

FTVLive talked to three CNN staffers and they all used the same word in our conversation, “embarrassment.”

CNN can spin all day as to how well this went, but the truth is, Chris Licht did Trump rally town hall for 3 reasons, ratings, money, and to launch Kaitlan Collins's new role as a prime-time Anchor.

By most accounts, Collins was rolled over by Trump. It wasn’t her fault. Trying to control Trump is like trying to control a hyper kindergartener that just ate a bag of candy.

The fact that only 3 million people tuned in to watch this trainwreck, makes this CNN gimmick even a bigger failure.

Chris Licht and CNN need to take the “L” and move on.