Carlson Attacks the Profession He Has Never Been a Part Of

Tucker Carlson is not a journalist, he is and has only been an opinion host in his career on TV.

Carlson announced that he is starting a “show” on Twitter and in his tease he talked about how the news that you consume is full of lies and there is no truth to it.

Carlson’s video has been viewed over 20 million times and his take on news is his opinion.

Carlson’s sole purpose is to give his opinion while accusing journalists of not providing facts.

But, Carlson knows that his lemmings will follow and they have never been concerned with facts. They just lap up whatever it is that Carlson wants to feed them.

His Twitter show will just be another form of the echo chamber.

Carlson will tell his followers that it is perfect okay to hate people that are not white. He’ll tell them it’s okay to cheer for a white mob to kill a Black person, because he himself did the same thing.

What Tucker Carlson can not do is give you factual information on how journalism works, because he has never been a Journalist.

Remember, this is the guy that wanted a Fox News Journalist fired because she was fact checking Donald Trump’s lies on the air. Carlson texted Sean Hannity and said they needed her to be fired.

So, just like Jerry Springer who had one of the most popular shows ever on daytime TV, Tucker Carlson might be a big draw to the Twitterverse.

But, he’s not a Journalist.

He is there to entertain and push his agenda. Maybe he will become the Jerry Springer of Twitter.

Anonymous agrees…

Stay tuned…