When You Lose Fox News....

How would you feel if the Governor of your state attacked and then tried to take over the biggest company in your state just because they said something he didn’t like?

Not only that but a company that impacts almost every job in your state?

Well, that’s what is happening here in Florida. Governor Ron DeSantis has been attacking and trying to take control of Disney World over the fact that they disagreed with something he said.

This week, he even discussed putting a state prison next to Disney World.

Yep, the same guy banning books and making laws all to “protect children” is now talking about putting a prison in Disney’s backyard.

Why would you attack the state’s biggest employer and a company that is responsible for more than half the jobs in the state, I have no clue.

But DeSantis thinks this is playing well for him.

Well, it’s not. And, to show you just how badly this power kick is playing out for DeSantis, even Fox News has turned on him.
