
Yesterday, FTVLive dropped our first-ever newsletter dubbed “Live From the Bunker.”

I’m not a newsletter expert, but after sending the email around 8 AM, by 1 PM, 93% of those that got the email clicked on it and opened it. I’m told this is an amazing stat, and it is not often that any company comes close to a number like that. I didn’t check the stats after 1 PM but I’m sure they went even higher.

I want to thank all of you for signing up, and a big thanks to our sponsor OTA Talent for helping offset the costs of producing this email.

I had no idea how expensive it is to send an email to thousands of subscribers. If I did know, I think I would have capped the number of subs to like 2500 and left it there.

If you are not on the list and you want next week’s email, sign up below.