One Take on Gray's Local News Live

An FTVLive reader that was trying to get information on the Nashville shooting gives their take on watching Gray’s “Local News Live”.

We thought we would share:

Good morning,

I was reading up on your story about the coverage from the Nashville shooting. The Nashville Gray station that covered it was doing a standup job. But for those of us who had to watch from other states were watching a feed from Local News Live that was part of an online story. 

I will say, their coverage was awful when they weren’t taking the local feed from the Nashville affiliate.  They weren’t staying with the coverage and going to other stories. Why?  Why would anyone who says they are a national news outlet move to other stories when an active shooting scene was going on?  But then the kicker, they would take commercial breaks. It must have been a raw feed because you could hear the anchors talking and laughing. Are you freaking kidding me?  Laughing while people are learning that children are dead. I get that news folks have to cope in their own way, but laughing and going on after telling people awful news.  

Who ever is in charge of this “network” now should be ashamed and removed because taking breaks and having open mics when this should have been a nonstop feed of coverage, shows poor leadership. 

Overall, in my newsroom and the people in Gray I talk to are sad that what was started is now just like every other news network.  Covering more political and not enough local stories. They shouldn’t have made the changes. It was really good before they moved it. 

That’s what I know and my opinion.