DC Weather Boy Has Worn Out His Welcome

Matthew Cappucci, the DC Weather Boy, or as I call him, the Austin Walker of weather, is out of a job.

Insiders at WTTG tell FTVLive that Cappucci is no longer on the schedule, and his bio is off The Firm station’s website.

We don’t have details, but it might have something to do with him calling in sick to go on vacation.

This rubbed a number WTTG staffers the wrong way. Also, look at this exchange with a viewer who seems to understand the business much better than Cappucci.

I think when Cappucci claimed that he calling in sick to go on vacation was his employer’s problem and not his, was the nail in the coffin.

Getting released from the station is now his problem.

This kid thinks he’s God’s gift to weather and I’m sure some other station will be stupid enough to hire him. But, I promise you, there will be problems with him and that giant ego.

Stay tuned…