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KOAA (Colorado Springs) reported on the arrest of a Colorado Springs man accused of pimping and human trafficking.

Cops say LuTure Evans used social media to recruit multiple women for prostitution in Colorado.

In a web story the station did disclose that Evans is married to the daughter of a station employee.

What they didn’t say is that employee is main Anchor Rob Quirk, who has been with the station for over 3 decades.

If this was the son-in-law of the Mayor of Colorado Springs, don’t you think KOAA would name him, as opposed to saying a “city employee”?

It might not be fair, but as a public figure, I think even Quirk understands that he is part of the story, whether he likes it or not.

A search of Evans social media also shows viewers who that “employee” at the station is.

Also, the pimping game appears to pay very well.