LA GM Announces "Retirement"

At The Firm’s KTTV in LA, longtime GM Bill Lamb announced that he is retiring from the station.

Not everyone in LA is buying the whole “retirement” thing and some think he might have been nudged towards the door.

Lamb is sticking around for about a month.

He told the staff, “I don’t know if I’m comfortable calling it ‘retirement,’ but I do plan to spend more time with my family and my golf clubs.”

So, apparently, even Lamb isn’t sure this is a “retirement.”

KTTV is not exactly on a tear right now.

As one LA newsie said about the station, “No ratings. No news director. No morning anchor. No hope.”

Lamb jumped to LA back in 2019, coming from the much smaller market of Louisville. Many thought that he was in over his head and the fact that he made it just a few years, gives some credence to that claim.

It seems strange that a guy that had a cushy job in Louisville would make the move to LA with the plan of just working a few years.

If you ask me, yeah, he was pushed.