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I am neither a Republican or a Democrat, I am and have always been registered as an independent voter.

I have found myself voting for people on the GOP side and the Democratic side each year. I always try to vote for who I think is the best person and I really don’t care about which party they are in.

Looking at CPAC this year, if I was a Republican, I think I would really be concerned with the direction of the party.

Some of the speakers at CPAC this year included people like Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, and Hungarian PM Vicktor Orbán - who openly opposes “mixed-race” societies.

Also, speaking at CPAC was former KSAZ Anchor Kari Lake. Lake won the very close GOP primary for Arizona Governor. In fact, at the beginning of the night as the votes were being counted, Lake was losing to her challenger. But, overnight as more votes came in, Lake pulled into the lead and ended up winning the close race.

Back in 2020, the story was a bit different. Donald Trump was leading and as more votes came in overnight, Joe Biden took the lead and won Arizona.

To this day, Kari Lake cries foul and says the election was stolen.

But, when the very same thing happened to her in reverse, she is not saying that she illegitimately won as she thought Joe Biden did.

The first time FTVLive spotted Kari Lake at CPAC, it was here in Orlando and she was still employed by KSAZ as an anchor.

She “resigned” just hours after FTVLive posted about her being at the conservative conference.

This time she was back at CPAC and was a speaker.

The female version of Donald Trump has become a star for the GOP and Lake bragged about her recent win and said, “We drive a stake through the heart of the McCain Machine.”

Donald Trump hated John McCain because McCain was a better person with much more class.

Kari Lake hates McCain because Donald Trump does.

In fact, Lake’s entire campaign was and is based on the Donald Trump playbook. But, that could end up hurting her in the general election.

Trump lost in Arizona because he hated and spoke out against John McCain, those McCain voters flipped on Trump and voted for Joe Biden. Now, Kari Lake by attacking the “McCain machine” might suffer the same fate.

Kari Lake has a very good chance of winning in November. But, her very stale attacks on the media and the fact that she is nowhere qualified to be governor, clearly show she should lose in a landslide.

But, elections are no longer about voting for the best person for the job, or the most qualified. It is about sticking it to the other side no matter what.

Kari Lake attacks John McCain, and sadly McCain is not alive to defend himself. But, I can assure you, John McCain had more class in the tip of his little finger than Kari Lake has in her entire body.

Hopefully, those in the GOP will see through Lake, and hopefully, they will look at the speaker list from CPAC and think, we can do a hell of a lot better than this.