Come to Tallahassee

Clearly this is a thing now….

It wasn’t that long ago when TV stations had piles of resumes sitting in the corner from people that would love to work at the station.

But, as they say, the times, they are a changing.

Now, TV stations are finding out that often, the only people that want to work in TV news are those that just want to be on TV. Stations find themselves competing for the same few people that are qualified.

So, now TV stations are producing recruitment videos in and effort to make their market look it Is a great place to live and their station is the best place to work.

WCTV in Tallahassee, Florida is one of those stations that have produced a recruitment video in an effort to find employees.

As someone that has been to Tallahassee about a dozen times, I can tell you, Tallahassee feels more like rural Georgia and not Florida.

Just saying…