And Now It's Gone...

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that Nexstar’s band of misfits at News Nation had hired Ali Bradley as a Reporter.

Bradley was a Reporter in Seattle and left the station. She decided to start doing reporting on her own and launched a gofundme page that raised over $8,000 so Bradley and her mom could make a trip to the southern border to report on what was happening.

She now has been hired by Nexstar and FTVLive pointed out yesterday that Bradley still had an active gofundme page that was accepting donations.

FTVLive wrote, “is Nexstar okay with that, and can other Nexstar employees openly solicit money like this?”

Well, after FTVLive posted the story, it appears that the gofundme page for Bradley has been taken down.

Now, you would have thought that Nexstar would have addressed that issue before putting out a press release announcing that they hire Bradley.

But, it wasn’t till FTVLive pointed it out that the fundraising page was deleted.

And, do you think anyone at Nexstar thanked us for the heads up?