/Selfie in front of a selfie
I have gone to the Asian American Journalists Association conference in the past, but like all the conferences this year, I skipped AAJA this year.
One Journalist sent FTVLive a DM about what he saw in the posts from AAJA 22 in Los Angeles and more importantly, what he didn’t see.
I looked through some of the posts from AAJA and I have to say this Journalist is pretty close with his assumption.
No surprise, I saw enough selfies to last me a lifetime as I looked at AAJA posts on Twitter.
This was the message the Journalist:
I follow a lot of fellow journalists on Instagram and saw many at the AAJA conference in Los Angeles. I saw countless posts at swimming pools, fancy restaurants, and popular LA tourist locations for the last week. I did not see one journalist actually post about what they learned at the conference.
I believe this is yet another sad example of where we are as an industry. We care more about vanity popularity posts than the actual work we're supposed to be doing.
I do think some people need to understand that your boss gives you time off to attend these conferences. Yes, have some fun and enjoy meeting and making friends, but also try to learn something that will make you better at your job.
It’s supposed to be a Journalism conference and not a vacation.
Just saying…