Trump Claims To Be Suing CNN
/No one likes to be sued, but CNN might be licking their chops a bit on this one.
Former President Donald Trump notified CNN of his intention to file a lawsuit against the network for “repeated defamatory statements.”
Now, whether or not he goes through with it, remains to be seen.
CNN might have a field day in discovery.
While CNN has definitely attacked Trump and obsessed on his presidency. He was the President, which is the biggest public figure in the world and proving defamation of a public figure such as Trump is going to be one very big hill to climb.
Trump and his legal team has put CNN on notice, saying, “Notice of Intent ordering the network, under Florida Statute § 770.02, to “publish a full and fair correction, apology, or retraction” in published pieces or broadcasts that allegedly made “false statements” about the former president. The notice warned that failure to issue an apology will result in a lawsuit.”
It added, “Failure to publish such a correction, apology, or retraction will result in the filing of a lawsuit and damages being sought against you, CNN,” the document warned.”
I will say that if Trump goes through with this lawsuit (I doubt it) and say somehow he wins.
I can only bet that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton won’t be able to get their lawyers on the phone fast enough to file a lawsuit against Fox News.
If I was Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson, I don’t think I would be spiking the football on this one.
Stay tuned…