Murdoch's NY Post: Trump is Unworthy to be President

This is a big deal and you must wonder if Fox News will now be following the lead of the New York Post.

Rupert Murdoch runs and controls the NY Post along with Fox News.

Murdoch’s Post came out with an editorial that said that Donald Trump “has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.”

This is a big deal.

In the editorial, the Post writes:

There has been much debate over whether Trump’s rally speech on Jan. 6, 2021, constituted “incitement.” That’s somewhat of a red herring. What matters more — and has become crystal clear in recent days — is that Trump didn’t lift a finger to stop the violence that followed.

And he was the only person who could stop what was happening. He was the only one the crowd was listening to. It was incitement by silence.

What’s funny is that the January 6th congressional hearings that Fox News has tried to ignore are responsible for changing the minds of many of Trump’s biggest allies. It appears the NY Post was also swayed by the hearings to come right and say what many of us already have known, Trump is unfit to be President.

But, many of Trump’s biggest supporters work at Fox News. Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade, and Laura Ingraham are just some of those that have pledged their support for their dear leader.

With the Post turning against Trump, will the Fox News talent head in the same direction?

My prediction is that none of those listed above will come right out and say that Trump should not be President ever again. They have spent 6 years carrying his water and there is no way they are going to basically admit they were wrong.

But, I think you will see a slow shift in which Trump’s name gets mentioned less and less and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis starts getting the bright spotlight.

If anyone watched the January 6th hearings, there is no way you could walk away from that still thinking Trump is fit to be President ever again.

But, the biggest problem is that many at Fox News and many that watched Fox News, have not watched the hearings and continue to stand over there with their head in the sand.

Stay tuned….