Want to Get Rich......Here's How

It is Emmy awards season and chapters all over the country are handing out trophies like they were TicTac’s.

This weekend it is 44th Michigan Regional Emmy Awards to be held at The MotorCity Sound Board Theater in Detroit.

There they will be handing out awards in 108 categories.


The Emmys really have become a participation trophy for TV news.

It also makes a boatload of money.

To become an active member it cost $200 per year.

Now, let’s look at the entry fees to try and win one of those dust collectors.

Now, say you want to go to the awards dinner this weekend. It will set you back $175.00 for members and $250.00 for non members, if you are thinking about bringing your spouse.

So, go ahead and do the math and figure out how much money was dropped for the 108 categories.

Also, if you don’t go to the ceremony, the invitation says “A $40.00 service fee will be charged for statuettes not picked up the night of the event.”

So, you think, I’ll just have my buddy pick up my participation trophy. Wrong! “Statuettes will only be released to Emmy Recipients unless prior arrangements are made,” says the invite.

The Emmys have basically figure out a way to print money and they know that the giant egos in this business are going to pay what they must to be able to write “Emmy award winner” on their social media.