Google to Help Scripps Transition Journalists

Scripps is looking to bring print Journalists over to the TV side and Google is helping them do it.

Scripps and Google are partnering on a multi-year initiative to transition experienced journalists with primarily print news backgrounds into broadcast news careers.

Google has made a financial commitment to Scripps to underwrite the newly created Scripps Journalism Journey Initiative.

The company says that Journalists selected for participation in the Initiative will be hired into full-time career positions in Scripps local and national media newsrooms. The program provides mid-career transitions into video-driven storytelling through extensive training and support, including mentoring, job shadowing, hands-on work and individual coaching.

“Scripps and Google are making an investment in maintaining a high-quality journalism ecosystem,” said Adam Symson, Scripps president and CEO. “As a result of Google’s financial support, this program will help us retain talented print journalists in the industry by redeploying their skills and experiences into television and video news, benefitting Scripps audiences and communities across the nation.”

Applications for the Scripps Journalism Journey Initiative are expected to be available in early summer.