Cut to about Half

In 2017 NAB Show took place from April 22 to 27 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. That show had 103,000 attendees on the floor of the convention center.

Of course, that was before the global pandemic and you can certainly see the impact.

After skipping a show in 2020 and 2021, the NAB Show is back in Sin City and the crowd size is about half.

The NAB says that this year’s show had 52,468 registered attendees.

It is likely that all the TV conferences will see a sharp drop off in attendance.

Many people just don’t want to travel and after missing a couple of years of a certain show, they have figured out that it is not a must-do anymore.

Hopefully, more people will start attending the shows, but higher travel costs and the pandemic still fresh in people’s minds might be a deterrent.