Ha ha ha....
/Ron DeSantis and Christina Pushaw
By now you likely know that our thinned-skinned Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is trying to take away Disney’s special district as punishment for not agreeing with him.
I see a number of people on the right cheering the DeSantis power play saying that now Disney will have to pay taxes.
Let’s set the record straight to those buying into the talking points. Disney has always paid taxes to the sum of just under $200 million dollars a year.
In fact, Disney imposed their own tax on their special district (Reedy Creek) which raised money to build and maintain almost 200 miles of roadways in Disney (that the Florida taxpayer did not have to pay for). Disney also paid for their own Fire Department and their own waste removal (do you know how much garbage Disney generates?).
Now that DeSantis has pulled the special district, that means the residents of both Orange and Osceola Counties will have to pay for those services and it could raise their property taxes $200+ dollars a month.
Also because Ron DeSantis wanted to punish a Florida company that basically brings in billions of dollars to the state every year because they didn’t agree with him. This isn’t a Governor, this is a dictator and it is a violation of the first amendment.
WFTV (Orlando) Reporter Nick Papantonis did a good job of explaining how DeSantis's revenge move and posturing for a White House run is going to impact a number of Florida residents.
And to show that DeSantis isn’t the only one clueless. After Papantonis posted his story on the Impact of the thin-skinned Governor’s move, his Press Secretary Christina Pushaw tried to attack Papantonis for not making the full disclosure.
Papantonis replied with the fact that he doesn’t work for Disney, nor does he work for ABC.
You would think that the Gov’s Press Secretary would know how the TV station’s in Orlando work and who owns them?
But, just like DeSantis it is a gang that shoots without aiming.
In the end, if this goes through (it is set to happen June 1, 2023) Disney loses a little control, but will save billions of dollars that will be handed off to the counties and taxpayers.
All because a power-hungry greedy man didn’t like that someone did not agree with him.
Un-fucking Believable.