New CNN Boss to Cut Brian Stelter Off at the Knees

CNN media critic Brian Stelter and his minion Oliver Darcy have spent years attacking Fox News.

The pair have often ignored huge misdoings at CNN to report on little controversies at Fox News.

But, it appears that incoming CNN boss Chris Licht is about to cut Stelter and Darcy off at the knees.

Licht has contacted some TV agents that represent Fox News talent and some Fox News people directly to basically say he wants to implement a cease fire between CNN and Fox News.

While this is a smart move for cable news in general as the the cable news industry continues to sink on the favorability factor of viewers, this is a huge blow to Brian Stelter.

Stelter has attacked Fox News on almost a daily basis and even went so far to write a low selling book about Fox News and Donald Trump.

Licht is said to be looking to get back to news and leave much of the opinion to people outside the network.

This will also be a big blow to Jim Acosta and Don Lemon, who basically fill entire shows attacking the right.

But, there is no doubt that the most impacted will be Stelter, who could barely open his mouth with attacking Fox News.

While some of Stelter’s criticism of FNC was warranted, he did it so often, that when he was making a good point, no one listened.

He literally became the boy that cried wolf, except he cried Fox.

Stelter is seen by many both inside and outside of CNN as merrily just a puppet for Jeff Zucker and his attacks on Fox News were just what Zucker was telling him what to do.

Stelter has denied this, but if he all the sudden goes quiet on Fox News, it will be a telling sign that he really just was carrying Jeff Zucker’s water.

One CNN staffer said that Licht would be best to just cut ties with Stelter, due to the fact that he really is just seen as Zucker’s “mini-me” at CNN.

It might not be a bad idea to start over when it comes to having a media reporter and if the reporter isn’t going to look at CNN objectively, as Stelter did not do, maybe get rid of the job completely.

Looking at Stelter’s Twitter he seems to be retweeting a bit more and posting less.

In fact, looking at Stelter’s Twitter for Monday and Tuesday, we did not see a single post about Fox News. This maybe the first time Stelter has gone two days without posting about Fox News in years.

Stay tuned….