The Right Wing Plays Gotcha....But...

I got a number of emails from people saying, “Check out what Rachel Maddow said…”

Many pointed me to Twitter, so that’s where I went.

I saw that Rachel Maddow’s name was trending on Twitter and when I clicked on it, I saw a number of posts saying stuff like this:

This is what the Maddow show posted on Twitter and it has since been deleted:

So Racheal Maddow really did this?

Well, actually the answer to that is No.

Maddow wasn’t even on the show and is still taking time off to work on another project.

The statement that was made, was made by a guest on the Maddow show, in which Ali Velshi was filling in for Maddow. Again, Rachel Maddow was not there.

The guest on the show, Michael McFaul is the one that made that comment and he was quoting a Russian Journalist.

Yes, it was a horrific statement, but it was made by a guest and the guest was quoting someone from Russia. For context, here is how it played out on the air.

But, by the time it hit social media, many on the right had the words coming straight out of Racheal Maddow’s mouth.

She wasn’t even there.

But, this should be a good lesson to everyone that works in TV news. When it comes to ALL social media that has your name attached, don’t let anyone else post for you.

If your name is on it, own it and even if it means posting less often, don’t let anyone else post to your timeline.

Not your boss, not a producer, no one!

Rachel Maddow says many things that she should be taken to task for saying. But, for the right to jump all over something she didn’t say and had no involvement in, is just another example of how much hate there is from each side.

The spreading of an outright lie was trending on social media.

I can guarantee you that even 6 months from now, Rachel Maddow’s name will come up in someone’s conversation and you can bet your bottom dollar that another person will say, “yeah…but remember when she that sided with the Nazi’s on the Holocaust?”

Mark my words, it will happen.