Giving Up on The TV News Business

WFMY Reporter Arielle Cadet has only been at the station for 7 months and has been in TV news for less than 4 years.

But, she says that she is quitting the business.

In a social media post, Cadet says she is quitting due to the fact, “The hours are long and hard, people can be unkind and the stories can take a toll on your mental health.”

The fact that she is leaving TV news is completely up to her. There is no doubt that this business is not for everyone.

I see looking at her LinkedIn that she went to and graduated from Mizzou.

Didn’t any of her professors at Mizzou explain to her that working as a Journalist entails long hours, unkind people and tough stories?

I think that Arielle Cadet should look at suing Mizzou for doing a really shitty job of preparing her for a career in Journalism and not steering her onto a better career path.

The college failed you Arielle. They should have prepared you for what life is really like in TV news.