Hey FTVLive, Why Aren't You Tweeting?

I have gotten a number of emails and some DM’s asking why I have not been posting on Twitter as I have in the past.

Anyone that reads FTVLive regularly knows that I am not the biggest fan of most social media. I haven’t posted on Facebook in ages, my IG is really just pictures that I can look back on as a timeline, and despite being an awesome dancer, I don’t post to TikTok.

The only social media that I used with any regularity was Twitter, and even that I pulled back on earlier this year.

I found that just staring at Twitter is a big waste of time. Think about it, if you spend 30 minutes each day on Twitter, you have wasted 7 full days out of a year. Take time out for sleeping and those 7 days can be closer to 20 days of awake time a year.

Do you really want to waste 20 days a year on Twitter? I will rather be doing something I want to do or put that time into my work.

Then Elon Musk bought Twitter and started letting racists and those that preach hate back on the platform. I have nothing against what Musk does with a company he owns. It’s his candy store and he can do what he wants.

I’m not one of those that is going to make a big deal out of what is happening with Twitter and make some huge announcement that I am leaving the platform in protest.

People still DM me on Twitter and send me story ideas, so I’m not going to leave Twitter, at least not yet.

I’m not going to protest and scream about what Musk is doing to Twitter. Like I said, he owns it and he can do what he wants.

But, I also have the choice to do what I want. So, without making any mention of it, I just decided to pull back even further on my use of Twitter.

It doesn’t mean I have quit Twitter, or will never tweet again. But, as for now, I’m taking a break.

I also might try some other platforms like Post or BlueSky.

If you want to get on Post, here’s a link to get you an invite.

I see that a number of companies also made the decision to stop advertising on Twitter. Just like Elon Musk, it is their company and they can do what they want.

Musk decided to call out Apple for pulling their ads from Twitter.

The most stock I own in any one company is Apple. Apple has done so much more than most tech companies to protect people’s privacy. I like the company and therefore I own the stock.

The fact that Musk wants to try and bully Apple for pulling their ads is a bit lame if you ask me.

By the way, Apple is far from the only company stop ads on Twitter in the wake of Musk’s actions.

I guess these are some of the other companies that in Elon’s words, “hate free speech.”

BTW- Free speech is having the ability of placing your ads with companies that you want to advertise with.