New ND Named in Houston

Back in early October, FTVLive FIRST told you that Graham’s KPRC (Houston) had parted ways with longtime News Director Dave Strickland.

Word was that Strickland’s management style was sending news staffers to the exit and the company decided that a change was needed.

Well, KPRC has found Strik’s replacement and that didn’t have to go outside the company, or the state of Texas to do it.

Bernice Kearney is moving over from KSAT in San Antonio, a station also owned by Graham.

The hire was not a surprise considering the fact that KPRC’s GM Phil Lane worked with Kearney for nearly a dozen years at KSAT.

"Bernice is a strong newsroom leader, a solid journalist, innovative on all platforms and possesses an engaging, caring personality," Lane said in the memo. "She is not afraid of the work it takes to win big and has a proven track record of helping her team learn, thrive, grow, and become successful both personally and professionally,” Lane said in a memo to the staff.

She starts her new gig next week.