Fudging the Numbers?

I saw this post from NewsMax and it just didn’t seem right to me.

The headline says 5 million viewers, but the graphic shows 3.4 million viewers. This story about ratings in The Hollywood Reporter says, “Newsmax averaged 572,000 over five hours beginning at 8 p.m.”

572,000 is a long way from 5 million.

I read the NewsMax story and it included lines like this (screenshot):

So you “estimate” that another 2 million plus viewer watched online. Why estimate when you can get the exact analytics? I can “estimate” that a billion readers came to FTVLive last week, but my analytics tell me that was not the case.

Then there is this gem:

Has ANYONE ever heard of the key demo being between the ages of 35 to 64?

NewsMax is not a credible news source and basically serves as a propaganda arm for the far right.

So, I guess that this massaging of the numbers should come as no surprise.