Surgery Could Force Weatherman to Retire

WVEC (Norfolk) Chief Meteorologist Jeff Lawson is about to undergo surgery that might force him to retire from the job he loves.

For the second time, Lawson is going to have a part of his tongue removed.

The station reports that according to the Mayo Clinic, leukoplakia are thick, white patches on the gums, cheeks, or tongue. Erythroplakia are abnormal red lesions on the mucous membranes in the mouth. 

With Lawson, the problem is on his tongue. 

"Sort of like when you go to the doctor, they burn off stuff that they think is precancerous, freeze it off, I should say," he explained. "Then, if it's a little worse, they cut it off. Well, it's sort of the same thing. They're abnormal cells that he [doctor] doesn't think is cancerous as of right now."

A surgeon will cut out the affected part of Jeff's tongue, which is about 20% of its surface. That's close to the size of his thumb.

"Even if it's only a 20% chance. Do you want to take a 20% chance that it turns into cancer?"  he noted.

This isn't the first time for Lawson. Five years ago, he had to have about 10% of the surface area of his tongue removed for the same reason. 

He was able to return after having speech therapy, but he knows this time it might be different.

"Am I able to communicate enough so that people on the air aren't turned off by it? I don't know," he said. 

But he is entering into this with a positive attitude.

"If I have to take a step back -- not even step back, but step away -- it will give me a chance to spend more time with my lovely wife and travel more and all that. So I'm just thankful I have my health, even if I can't talk great," he said.

FTVLive wishes him the best.