The Inbox...

Yesterday, FTVLive told you how the media continues to slip to trust levels never before seen in this industry.

After we posted this story, a number of you chimed in and we thought we would share a few.


Long time reader, keep up the good work!

Thanks for the 7% wake up call. Frightening. I thought of this high profile reporter in my market. I haven’t seen this person showcased as a “look-at-me” offender but oh my gosh she is so cringy and a prominent reporter in top 10 market DC at Fox 5. Pages and pages of insane sassy selfies and twerky tik tok dances on her professional account. It even appears she has her own entourage producing these things. And then plopped in there in the middle of all that self-love, she’s “holding accountable” a mayor or council person or someone —-had to laugh. Thought you might too.

First laugh—then cry.

Check out @thesierrafox on Instagram.

Her Twitter is just as bad. Enjoy!


7% FTVLive

Well done.


How are local news reporters supposed to fight against Fox News using their bullhorn to millions of people every day sowing distrust in "the media" while being such an untrustworthy source then politicians on both sides saying the same thing that you can't trust journalists if they don't agree with them?

I think placing the blame on social media is misguided when the seeds of distrust in journalism have been planted and cultivated by slanted cable news, radio, YouTube and politicians for years. How do local reporters and anchors compete with that?

Some people are only going to trust what they already agree with.


Gallup has become one of the least accurate polling companies and if you read the attached methodology document, you'll see why,

#1 Phone only respondents: Virtually all reliable research companies collect data via an online platform too, usually a significant portion will take the survey online

#2 Miniscule Sample Size: 812 people is way too small to reflect the entire country.

#3 Junk data, absolute garbage data.