The Inbox...

Let’s open it up and see what you guys are talking about….

Journalists react to this story.


You are absolutely right on ‘journalist’ and social media. I blame consultants first and foremost. They sold newsroom leadership on social media ‘engagement’ but as with most things, the devil is in the details. The good journalism will get engagement, but the bikini shots, cute anchor dancing, is a faster and more ego satisfying way to get there.

It’s a cancer.


This younger generation has no clue what journalism is. They were taught by teachers, many that failed in the business, and their News Directors are too busy in stupid meetings to give them any feedback.

If you can them a choice to make a living as a journalist or an influencer, 9 out of 10 is picking influencer.



First off thanks for doing what you do.

You are carrying the torch for doing journalism the correct way, but with station groups only focused on the bottom line and unqualified people getting hired, I think you might be fighting a losing battle.

I left the business 5 years ago out of complete frustration, I read FTVLive every day, but I haven’t turned on a local newscast in 2 years.

I can tell you, not doing so has improved my mental health.


It’s pretty clear that Jake Tapper isn’t CNN’s answer to fixing prime time. He’s getting murdered in both HH & especially the demos.

At best he’s a placeholder until they find someone that people want to watch.
Tapper is simply not the personality that Hannity or Maddow are. He has no charisma.

Worse than all of the above. Friends that have worked with him say he’s a prick.