CBS News Staffers Are Not Happy with the New Boss

according to the NY Post, some CBS News staffers think that “There has never been a more unpopular news division president” than CBS co-president Neeraj Khemlani.

The Post quotes employees saying that Khemlani is is “rude” and “micromanaging.”

The paper writes, behind the scenes, ticked-off employees grumble that Khemlani cultivates a “Shark Tank”-like investor’s persona that’s focused on “poking holes” in business plans and demanding to know the “return on investment” for new projects. Some have complained of “micro aggressions” that include calling staffers late and on weekends and leveling tough questions in meetings about to-do lists even as many departments are understaffed.

According to multiple sources, Khemlani’s sharp elbows have not only spurred several staffers to file human resources complaints, but also led agents for CBS employees to complain on their clients’ behalf to CBS CEO George Cheeks, who hired Khemlani after taking the helm last January. It’s unclear whether any disciplinary action has been taken.

A number of CBS staffers do not think Khemlani. will last very long at CBS.

Stay tuned….