Fired in The Rock


Word is that Sinclair’s KATV (Little Rock) has parted ways with longtime News Director Nick Genty.

This comes just a couple of days after FTVLive FIRST reported in a Patron Only story that Anchor Chris May and Weatherman Barry Brandt were suspended after wearing afro wigs during the newscast.

Sources say this is just one of the incidents that many found racially insensitive that happened at the station.

Word is that a Black Anchor that was hired at the station was greeted by a Mammy doll. There we also fake porn pics of Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott posted on the Sinclair Slack channel according to sources.

Gentry has spent the past 10 plus years as News Director of the station and this all happened under his watch.

After FTVLive posted the Patron story about the suspended Anchors KATV management met with members of the Central Arkansas Association of Black Journalists.

Sources tell FTVLive that Gentry was excited yesterday from the station.

Little Rock’s population is over 40% black and yet KATV has only 8 Black employees on their 40+ person news staff. None of those Black employees work in news management.

Sinclair has chopped off the head, but much more needs to be done to make KATV news staff reflect the community in which they serve.

A good start would be by hiring a News Director that is a person of color.

Stay tuned…