Oh Tucker...

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It seems as if there is no one in this world more perfect than Tucker Carlson, at least according to Tucker Carlson.

Carlson who acts as if everyone is against him, made an interesting entry into his new book.

While nearly every author uses the acknowledgment section of their book as an opportunity to thanks people and the publisher for making the book happen, that is not the route Carlson went.

The Houston Chronicle writes that the Fox News host castigates his own publisher in the opening pages of his newly released book - "The Long Slide: Thirty Years in American Journalism." Carlson called Simon & Schuster's president a "cartoonish corporate censor" in the book's acknowledgments section and used the introduction to attack the company for canceling a book deal with one of his regular guests: Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. In a promotional interview earlier this month, where another author might have thanked his publisher, Carlson called it is "a disgusting company run by disgusting people."

Carlson said he turned against Simon & Schuster after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, when the company accused Hawley of contributing to "what became a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom" and canceled a book contract with the senator. But while Hawley eventually found a new publisher for "The Tyranny of Big Tech," Carlson says he was contractually obligated to keep writing "The Long Slide" for Simon & Schuster, which also published his best-selling 2019 book, "Ship of Fools," as part of a two-book deal with the company.

In the introduction to "The Long Slide," Carlson revealed details of a private Zoom conversation he had with Simon & Schuster's president, Jonathan Karp, and publisher Dana Canedy, after Hawley's book deal was canceled. The senator had been widely accused at the time of encouraging the Capitol riot by spreading baseless claims of election fraud.

"I switched tacks and once again asked what Josh Hawley had done wrong. What was his crime?" Carlson wrote. "It's a business decision, Tucker," Karp replied, according to the book.

Carlson called Karp "dishonest," "not super smart," and "absolutely awful."

Carlson hosts the top-rated show on Fox News and proves that at least in the right-wing media, hate is a very big seller.

Fox News must be so very proud.