Gray Tells Staff to Get the Jab

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Yesterday, FTVLive FIRST told you that Gray Television had revised its COVID policy and is now requiring employees to get the vaccination.

The internal memo went out to staff informing them that managers have until September 15th to be fully vaccinated.

The rest of the staff has until October 1st to get the jab.

With COVID cases and deaths once again on the rise, Gray did what they think is right to keep employees safe. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision for the company to make, but we applaud them for taking that stand.

To those that say we are “being forced” to get the vaccine? No, you’re not, you don’t have to get vaccinated if you don’t want to. You will just have to go find another job.

It’s that simple.

Here is the memo sent to the staff and obtained by FTVLive:

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