Chris Cuomo Schedules to Return Tonight

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After taking off his birthday week from work (what is he, 12?), Chris Cuomo is slated to return to CNN tonight.

Chris conveniently took off the same week that his brother, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo resigned from office in disgrace.

Chris Cuomo and CNN have been under fire when it was learned that while hosting a prime time show on CNN, Chris has also been acting as an advisor to his brother.

The Cuomo family legacy is now tainted and Chris Cuomo has not covered the charges levied against his brother.

While Chris brought on Andrew a number of times during the start of the pandemic to joke with him and prop him up to his audience, he has gone silent as nearly a dozen women have stepped up and talked about being harassed by the governor.

Now, Chris Cuomo is set to return and the 9 PM hour of CNN will ignore the huge story coming out of New York.

But, with his credibility all but shot, some wonder if CNN’s management will make the right call and make a change at 9 PM?

With Jeff Zucker running CNN, the chances of that appear to be slim and none.