CBS Takes a Page Out of Good Morning America

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The saying goes that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

If that’s the case, ABC’s Good Morning America should be extremely flattered.

Last place CBS This Morning went straight to the ABC playbook.

The network announced that they were demoting Anthony Mason (although they didn’t use that word) and replacing him with former NFL player Nate Burleson.

So, in other words, CBS is removing a Journalist and replacing him with a jock.

Many think this is CBS’s answer to Michael Strahan over at ABC’s Good Morning America. “It’s a blatant ripoff of GMA,” said a network executive to FTVLive.

It seems that CBS has now decided the only way to move up in the ratings, is not by offering something different, but by trying to offer viewers a carbon copy of ABC.

How long before CBS sends Burleson to the dentist to get a big gap put into his front teeth?

Stay tuned…..