Atlanta Anchor Has Aggressive Brain Cancer


Back in April, FTVLive told you that WSB Anchor Jovita Moore was undergoing brain surgery after she told her co-anchor that she was not feeling well at work.

“I was really concerned about why all of a sudden I was forgetful, disoriented and just not feeling myself. Feeling like I was in a fog and really wanting to get out of that fog,” Moore said at the time and underwent surgery just days later after a tumor was found on her brain.

Sadly, the news is not good.

WSB announced yesterday during its newscast that Moore has an aggressive form of brain cancer.

Doctors say that Moore had glioblastoma, a serious form of cancer and it is being treated with radiation and chemotherapy in an effort to slow the cancer’s growth.

“I just want to say a quick thank you,” Moore said in an audio statement released by the station. “Thank you for your cards, thank you for all the gifts, and most importantly, thank you for your prayers and positive energy. I feel all of it. I’m home now, I’m up and about and doing everything my doctors tell me to do. So for now, I need to be here to focus on my health. I’m surrounded by my family, a very small circle of friends, but also your extended love and support. This journey for me started with an unusual headache so if something’s not right with you, I urge you to please get yourself checked.”

FTVLive sends our best wishes to Moore and her friends and family.