Diversity Problems in Seattle


We are hearing from people inside Fox O&O KCPQ in Seattle.

Insiders say that the station has lost a number of people of color and things appear to be getting worse. Sources say a manager recently made an inappropriate comment to a Black employee and that employee has now decided to leave the station.

“Several people in exit interviews said they left because it’s only a good place to work if you’re white,” said one station employee to FTVLive.

Morning Anchor Travis Mayfield posted a tweet that one KCPQ staffer says was targetted at the station, without naming the station.


The station’s News Director has been on administrative leave for months and the GM was suddenly replaced.

So, maybe Fox knows there are problems and are attempting to right the ship. But after speaking to the people inside, they haven’t seen a move in the right direction just yet.

Stay tuned….