Watch a Reporter Wreck Her Career in Live Shot

OK, I know I’m supposed to be on a vacation, but you don’t often see a Reporter just flush her career down the toilet in a single live shot very often.

KRIV (Houston) Reporter Ivory Hecker did a live shot, but, before she started to talk about the story that she was covering, she called out the station and its owner Fox Television at the front of the live shot.

While you would have expected that the control room would have dumped out of the live hit as she started trashing the company, it didn’t happen.

Watch as Hecker basically kills her TV career, unless she is looking for a job at OAN or NewsMax.

As for Fox Television, they got what they deserved. FTVLive has posted stories about Hecker time and time and time again.

Fox could of and should of cuts ties with Hecker a long time ago. But, she was preaching the right-wing message and it is likely that Fox was OK with that.

But, then Hecker turned and bit the hand they fed them, and not Fox TV has a PR disaster on their hands.

OK, back to vacation now.