Someone Has Gotten into the Gin

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Clearly, Fox News lives rent-free in the heads of Jeff Zucker, Brian Stelter, his minion Oliver Darcy and CNN ego Jim Acosta.

CNN spends so much time focused on what Fox News is saying or doing, that they completely lose focus on what they should be doing.

Acosta recently was interviewed by a Mediaite podcast and he couldn’t not, talk about Fox News.

“What they’ve decided to do since [the election] is double down on being what I call the bullshit factory,” Acosta said. “They churn out segments that gin up outrage that they know is going to piss off their viewers and so on — even if it’s cockamamy made up nonsense. And they do it for the simple reason of attracting viewers, and ginning up the ratings.”

The only thing that Jim Acosta likes talking about more than Fox News, is Jim Acosta.

Do you think Micheal Jordan became the game’s greatest player because he focused so much on his opponent? No. He did it by focusing all his efforts on practice and making himself better each day.

CNN should stop focusing on Fox News and look solely at themselves and work to be the best in the business. Obsessing on Fox News will never get you out of the ratings basement.

Just saying….