Tenga Boss Worries as Shareholder Meeting Starts (Updated)


A former Tegna employee claims that Tegna Chief Executive Dave Lougee “did not let her answer his phone because she had a foreign accent.”

That is the findings in a report by Quest Research & Investigations into Tegna.

The report was asked for by Standard General, Tenga’s largest shareholder, which is headed up by Soo Kim.

Tegna’s shareholder meeting starts today and Kim is looking to unseat three of Tegna’s 12 board members.

Lougee has been working long and hard to keep the shareholders from voting out his handpicked board members.

In the report by Quest Research & Investigations, an executive claims Lougee “derisively suggested a Black employee would want to shop at Payless, the now-defunct discount shoe store,” according to the report.

Tegna faces lawsuits from ex-employees in Indianapolis, Tampa Fla., and Washington DC detailing allegations of discrimination against women, minorities and people over 40 years old.

The NY Post reported on the claims and after the story was posted, Lougee contacted the Post,“I categorically deny these anonymous accusations and, as the leader of a journalism organization, am shocked the New York Post would report them without giving the subject a chance to respond.”

A number of former Tegna employees have claimed that the company has discriminated against them. Many of those employees are people of color.

Update: Tegna shareholders have reelected all 12 board members which again leaves Soo Kim on the outside looking in.

“We are pleased that our shareholders recognize the successful execution of our value-creation strategy, which is delivering record results,” said Tegna’s Dave Lougee.