Fox Nation Ad Runs on The Competition


Fox Nation is doing a documentary that explores the various scandals that have erupted from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s time in office.

The show titled “The Collapse of Cuomo” will be on the Fox News streaming network.

What is interesting is that Fox is buying ad time for the doc on their competition.

And guess where the spot will play?

On CNN’s Cuomo, which is hosted by Andrew Cuomo’s brother Chris Cuomo.

Mediaite writes that the 30-second ad will be running on Cuomo Prime Time, as well as other CNN programs like New Day and The Situation Room, targeting key markets in New York City and Washington, DC. The ad contains a clip from a now-infamous May 2020 interview that Chris Cuomo conducted with his gubernatorial brother in which the CNN host teased him with a giant cotton swab prop.

This is sure to enrage the short temper Cuomo’s to no end.