Trump's DOJ Obtained Phone/Email Records of CNN Reporter


Reports say that the Trump administration's Department of Justice covertly obtained phone and email records from CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr.

Business Insider reports that CNN said that the Justice Department informed Starr on May 13 that prosecutors had gained access to phone and email records between June 1, 2017, to July 31, 2017. Starr had reported on US military options presented to Trump in 2017, but the DOJ letter did not state a reason that Starr's records were seized.

According to the letter, all of Starr's personal and work email and phone records were obtained for that timeframe.

The records were sought through the courts, but Starr nor CNN were not notified in the process, and it is unclear whether the seizure was approved under Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Attorney General William Barr.

"CNN strongly condemns the secret collection of any aspect of a journalist's correspondence, which is clearly protected by the First Amendment," said CNN President Jeff Zucker. "We are asking for an immediate meeting with the Justice Department for an explanation."