The Inbox....


Yesterday, FTVLive told you how Fox News host Tucker Carlson was advising his viewers to call the police if they see a kid wearing a mask outdoors.

That brought in a number of emails to FTVLive:


I have had people tell me to just ignore him and Fox News. Because it only emboldens them to do more. They do have a point. I mean deprive them of the attention that they want because they are only doing it for ratings and to piss off liberals. But I struggle with what you posted about kids wearing masks. Fox News and Tucker Carlson are actively encouraging people to commit a crime. I checked here in Texas where I live if you file a false report with CPS of child abuse it's a felony! A kid wearing a mask is not abuse. Most reasonable people would agree with that, including CPS. I don't know whether Fox or Tucker believes what they are saying but it is dangerous rhetoric. So that leads me to the question, how do we handle stuff like this going forward? I don't want to give Fox or Tucker any more attention, but at the same time feel like stuff like this needs to be called out. Have any suggestions? Seriously I am all ears.


How can Fox continue to let this guy on their network. When do you put decency over ratings? I guess Fox isn’t there yet.


He’s absolutely right about kids and masks. He’s absolutely right about wearing masks outdoors. Ridiculous. I was tested yesterday for Covid because I’m having outpatient back surgery tomorrow. I pulled up to the hospital entrance and a nurse came out dressed in a frigging space suit. I told her I’ve had both Moderna shots and that I don’t have Covid. She swabbed my nostrils and went away. Test was negative, of course. Paranoia is dangerous. Kids shouldn’t be wearing masks. Nor should anyone be wearing them outdoors.


Just when you think Fox News can’t lower the bar anymore, Tucker Carlson opens his mouth yet again. Shame on Fox News!